Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Sink

One of my favorite details about our apartment is the really cool sink. It actually has a colander holder. There is a special section of the sink that has a sunken colander so that it is always there when you are making pasta. I guess it figures that Italy would need these.

Caroline and Kim cooked dinner tonight. Penne with tomato sauce, spinach, and broccoli. We also had homemade bread that Sonia baked today.

We had to do the Amazing (Roman) Race today with IES. It was pretty lame. Our group got two and a half things done from a list of about 20. I really don't think we won the gift basket or breakfast. On the bright side, we stopped and got lunch and then gelato (baci flavored). We all kind of split early and ended up walking back to the apartment. Saw some really neat things today like the Vatican Post Office. As a postcard enthusiast, this was really exciting. I want to mail myself a postcard from there. It is said to be the most efficient post office in the world. I don't think it is hard to be more efficient than Rome though. Also saw the Ponte Sisto today. That was only exciting because my Professor talked about it for 3 classes in my Renaissance Italy class last year. 

Last night we went to an Italian club called Gilda. Apparently Sonia has some connections to a director of Jersey Shore so he wanted to know what clubs they should be going to when they come this spring. She then realized that they will probably ruin all the clubs so we need to go to them while they are still cool. We also celebrated one of the other ISC's birthdays. It ended up being a pretty big group of IESers at the club. The music was all American but all a year or two old. It was really fun to get another chance to rock out to Single Ladies. Also heard some We No Speak Americano. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Brava, Valentina. You have to update the gelato counter. Love the colander holder!
