Sunday, May 22, 2011

What's Going On?

So Rome still stands after the feared earthquake of May 11. We're all pretty jazzed about that. I really haven't been blogging much because I have been very busy with finals and enjoying my last few days in Rome. I am heading home all too soon (on Wednesday). But what, you may ask, have I been doing with my time? 

Right now, Uncle Boojie and Cousin Miranda are in town for a visit. They got here on Thursday. Friday night we went to dinner (with a special tiramisu surprise for birthday girl, Miranda!) and then to Flashdance: Il Musicale! I never saw the movie but seriously enjoyed the play. I loved the Italian (they translated all of the music). I acted as translator a lot which I thought was a lot of fun. I actually think that my Italian is the best it has ever been. You might say "Duh! You've been in Rome for months of course it has gotten better." There was a period of a few weeks up to about now, when I seriously thought my Italian had deteriorated and I couldn't speak anymore. I think now that the pressure of classes and my internship is off, I can go back to enjoying the language. I am actually really sad at the thought of not taking it next year. It will be the first time in almost eight years...Instead I will be studying French and German. Anyway, back to Boojers and Miranda. Last night (Saturday) we went to dinner at la Piazzetta in Trastevere and then walked around. It was a gorgeous night and it is really finally summer. 

Today I went with Jillian to Porta Portese flea market. I have been meaning to go back there since the first weekend. I got some really cool vintage postcards. Not too old, mostly from the 60's but I am still happy with them. I also did a little souvenir shopping. At the end of the market, we realized we had wandered so far that we did not know where we were. Our idea was to hop on the next bus we saw. After transferring twice we ended up at our goal: lunch. We ate in the Jewish ghetto and had some of the best bruschetta I've had here. This afternoon, I finally finished my last paper and am now officially done with the semester. Ordinarily I would be happier, but this time it means that I have to go home. 

This is a picture of Gianfranco Fini, Presidente della Camera dei Deputati (Speaker of the House) and former head of the party Alleanza Nazionale. I was walking through Piazza Colonna on Wednesday after I finished my finals. I looked to my right, and he was about three feet away from me. I got really excited because (1) I recognized him immediately and (2) I had just written about him on my Politics final. I almost tried to talk to him but chickened out, partly because I forgot all my Italian and specifically the formal tense. By the time I opened my mouth, the reporters had run up and one pushed me out of the way. I still think it was really cool to have read about a guy for weeks and to write a paper about him and then see him randomly that same day. All I need now is to see Berlusconi. Fini used to be a part of Berlusconi's party but started his own this winter after realizing Berlusconi is not one to share power. 

That is me with Valeria and Claudia at my internship. It is all over now, and though it was tough and frustrating, I think it was a really good experience for me. 

This was taken in Trastevere at a street fair they were having. We got there right at the end when all the booths were closing. They were however playing some pretty awesome live music. It was an Italian group, playing Irish music (fiddle and whistle included) but singing in Italian. And there was a sort of mosh pit. It was definitely one of those what-is-this-and-why-is-it-so-great-in-a-strange-but-weird-way experiences. Sadly, it ended ten minutes after we got there. 

They finally changed the window display in the toy store. Sorry, the picture isn't better, I noticed it walking home one night. Jillian said the old winter-themed display was up since September. They now have this lovely Grand Canyon themed one. 

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